Some of the employees at Legacy Royalties have taken an active role in mentoring. We recognize the need to reach out to young children who are growing up in single-parent homes with little or no contact with their fathers. Statistics say that these children are far less likely to finish school and develop the basic skills they need to support themselves and their future families. Mentorship is a proven way to bridge the gap and give these children a better chance to become productive members of society.
Steve Smith, owner of Legacy Royalties, is actively involved with Gospel Village, a Tyler-based mentoring program. Gospel Village partners with local churches and at-risk schools to match young children with mentors. Each mentor goes through an extensive background check and interview process.
As you know, life is messy under even the best of conditions. For children with financial hardships and no father, life is almost impossible. Please consider the difference you can make with just a little bit of time.
For more information, contact Alaina Head, director of Gospel Village, at alainah@gcc.org, (903) 593-3800, or Steve Smith at steve@LegacyRoyalties.com, (903) 596-9813.